Halito! was one of the first companies to receive the Freelance Friendly certificate. We prove once again that we work correctly and conscientiously with freelancers and really give them the feeling that they are fully part of the team.
Why the Freelance Friendly label is important
“In Flanders and Brussels alone there are almost 200,000 freelancers. In the Netherlands that is a multiple. In a market where good and high-quality people are scarce, it is important to keep your eyes open and not only think about permanent employment “, says our CEO Bart Van Zele.
“On the side of the candidates, I see more and more, also in my own network, that employees exchange their permanent job for freelance careers. As an entrepreneur, of course, I have no objections and we adapt to it.”
“For that reason, we have spent a lot of time in recent years detecting the right needs in our organization. Which roles and tasks should be taken on? Which competencies do we already have in-house for this? What are we still missing? necessary?”
“Our vacancies have become much more specific and targeted, which has enabled us to find the right profiles more quickly. Some work for a temporary assignment, others for an indefinite period of time.”
The combination works
The combination of employees in a permanent team and freelancers works well. There is no difference in approach within the team: holidays, work independent of place and time, sports for holidays,… it’s possible for everyone. But also vice versa, expectations are equally high, regardless of the nature of the employment.
“This Freelance Friendly label is therefore a reward for the efforts of recent years. We show the outside world that Halito! is very happy to work with qualified freelancers, both for short assignments and for the long term,” concludes a satisfied CEO Bart Van Zele.
Freelance Friendly is an initiative of Unizo and Gighouse.