During COVID, the event sector has had to adapt enormously. Suddenly, visitors were no longer allowed to come to the event location. But the event industry wouldn't be the event industry if there wasn't a solution for this! With online event software, it was possible to go from a live or offline event to an online event. Now that the COVID restrictions are gone, we notice that this solution is much more common to integrate into your live event (hybrid event) or to organize your event completely online.
Organize using online event software
Just like with a live event, a lot has to be arranged for an online event. Ok, you don't have to think about, for example, an event location with sufficient seating areas or a caterer (or do you? We will come back to this later!). Organizing will be much more technological. For example, it is important to have good online event management software.
Online event management software
To make your online event a success, it is important that communication with the participants is well organized. At Halito! we have software that helps you from A to Z to ensure that your communication with the participants runs as smoothly as possible. The steps are as follows:
1. Informing the participants
Your online event actually starts long before it actually started. It is important to immediately involve the visitor in the event. That is why we start by building your event website, in the house style of the event. On this event site, you put all the important information about the online event. This includes the date and time, information about the speakers, the workshops to be followed, the purpose of the event and all other information that is important for your event.
2. Invite the participants
Via Halito!'s online event software, it's easy to import your guest list directly. You can then divide these guests into different groups. Handy if you have different types of guests (VIPs, sponsors, participants,...). You can draw up an invitation for each group in which you include the most important information.
You can prepare various mailings with our software. This way you can prepare the invitation and the reminder immediately and it will be automatically sent to the right group on the date and time of your choice. It's nice that you can do this in advance. Because the closer you get to the event, the busier it gets of course.
In addition to sending a mailing to your guest list, it is also advisable to undertake more event marketing activities. You will of course have to ensure that participants come to your event. For example, you can place advertisements on Google, social media channels, TV, radio or other websites.
3. Registering the participants
You put a registration form on the event website. You can make this form as long or as short as you want. This gives you all the information you need for the event in advance. Participants can register directly for (online) workshops and also register several colleagues or friends at the same time.
The great thing about this way of registering is that your guest list is immediately up-to-date. Does a participant still want to register for another workshop? Then this is easy and it will be immediately processed in your list. This prevents errors and saves you a lot of administration.
After the participant has registered for your online event, they will receive a confirmation email. This way the visitor knows that everything has been passed on correctly and this gives you the opportunity to provide some extra information. For example about the event app or when they can receive the next e-mail.
4. Welcoming the participants
With an online event, this is slightly different than with an offline event. Normally, the participants receive a QR code and come to your location. In the case of the online event, they will receive a link to the live stream. The participant clicks on the link and is immediately joined to the online event.
This data is processed directly in the online event software. This gives you direct insight into how many participants are online and who they are. You can also register for shows and no-shows at an online event!
5. Content is king
At online events, content is extremely important to distinguish yourself. It is more important than experience. We wrote a blog about it earlier: Successful online B2B events after corona.
6. Thanking the participants
Yes, your event has become a success! Of course, you want to thank the participants for their contribution. You can do this by sending an e-mail containing photos, and videos, sharing presentations and by conducting a survey. In this survey, you can gauge the event experience of the participants. The tops are nice to hear and you can learn from the tips for the next edition.
Must-haves for your online event
An online event is different from an offline event. To make your online event a success, we have a number of tips for you!
Live streaming software
Your event will be online. A large part of the success, therefore, depends on the live-streaming software. There are many different types of software. Familiarize yourself with the possibilities of each service and take a critical look at the amount of data that can be processed. Get in touch with Halito! for specific advice!
Make sure you have a stable and strong internet connection
Actually, this is in line with the previous tip. Without good internet, the quality of the online event deteriorates rapidly. Your participants are not waiting for a faltering image or incomprehensible conversations. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the speed and stability of the internet at the location where you are going to organize the online event.
Provide interaction
Because your event is organized online, the distance is soon palpable. But during your event you want the participants to feel involved and therefore be involved in the event. You can provide this interaction in several ways!
Networking beforehand
Is the goal of your event to allow participants to network? Then make sure that the participants know who is also participating prior to the event. This allows connections to be made in advance and there is an opportunity to network before, after or during the event.
Event app
Your participants naturally want to make themselves heard during the event. Through Q & A's, polls, polls and quizzes you really involve the visitors in the event. They can speak up, ask questions and participate in fun games. This guarantees interaction!
Send a box
At the beginning of this article, we talked about the caterer. You don't need a caterer during an online event, but you can provide your participants with something delicious! A goodie bag containing a number of items. People always like to receive something, and this goodie bag immediately provides anticipation!
Respond to sustainability
Sustainability is an extremely important item and it will only become more so. That is why it is important to indicate this to your participants. An online event ensures that your participants do not have to travel and do not have to book an overnight stay. In addition, this also saves enormously on the waste that would have been made during a live event. Think of plastic bottles, cutlery and decoration.
Do you want to know more about Halito! and how our online event software can make your online or hybrid event a success? Schedule a meeting with us!